Where do I find the Athletics Victoria Timetables?
1. We usually put the provisional timetables on the club website under Event Information.
2. To find the Timetables on the Athletics Victoria website go to www.athvic.org.au
2. To find the Timetables on the Athletics Victoria website go to www.athvic.org.au
- then go to the Events Menu at the top.
3. Select the type of Event you are looking for from Championships, AVSL, XCR (not shown), Specialist Meets
4. Then select the specific event you are looking for, ie Vic 5km Championships or AVSL Round 4. This will take you to the event page for that event. Scroll down until you find the below image.
4. Then select the specific event you are looking for, ie Vic 5km Championships or AVSL Round 4. This will take you to the event page for that event. Scroll down until you find the below image.
You can then download the timetable or rules. (Please read the rules for Championships, specifically Check In times and Call Room times)
5. Timetables for AVSL meets have this season been put on ResultsHub along with Heat startlists. To find ResultsHub go to https://athsvic.resultshub.com.au
5. Timetables for AVSL meets have this season been put on ResultsHub along with Heat startlists. To find ResultsHub go to https://athsvic.resultshub.com.au